European Union spokeswoman Marlene Holzner, in an e-mail to CNN, said, "We instantly became in contact with the U.S. authorities in Washington DC and in Brussels and confronted them with the reports in the press. They told us it was checking the accuracy of the information released yesterday and returned to us. "
In Brussels, Der Spiegel said, the agency targeted Justus Lipsius Building fn 5.7 containing the European Council and the EU Council of Ministers, the union of main decision-making and legislative body. And in Washington, the magazine reports that claim, fn 5.7 the NSA installed bugs in the European Union building and infiltrated its computer network. Der Spiegel report fn 5.7 is as negotiations for a trans-Atlantic fn 5.7 trade agreement between the United States and the European Union is set to begin next month in Washington. Snowden has revealed himself as the source of the document outlines a massive effort by the NSA to track cell phone calls and monitor e-mail and Internet traffic of nearly all Americans. Critics Slam him as a traitor. Live her supporters as a hero. Now Snowden, facing espionage charges in the United States, Russia and asylum fn 5.7 seekers in Ecuador. U.S. Vice President Joe Biden asked Ecuador "to please deny" the request for asylum, according to Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa. "That fn 5.7 is unacceptable," WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange told ABC's "This Week" on Sunday. Assange, fn 5.7 whose organization facilitates the release of Classified documents and help asylum fn 5.7 Snowden's bid, said he could not reveal details about the particular location the former NSA contractor or the status of his case. He criticized U.S. officials for pressuring Ecuador to matter. "Asylum is a right we all have. It is an international right. The United States was founded largely accepting political refugees from other countries and are developed by them. Mr. Snowden entitled, "Assange said. "Ideally, he should be able to return to the United States. Unfortunately, that's the world we live in and hopefully other countries will give him the justice he deserves. "Former Cuban leader Fidel Castro weighed in on Sunday. In a letter to Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega published in Cuban state media, Castro praised Ecuador's president for standing up to the U.S. threat over Snowden. On Saturday evening, Correa said the ball is in Russia court. "We did not ask to be in this situation. Mr. Snowden is communicating with Mr. Assange, who recommended he seek asylum in Ecuador. To process the request, he must be in Ecuadorian territory, "Correa said in an interview with Ecuador's Oromar fn 5.7 TV on Saturday night. "At this point, the solution to the final destination Snowden is in the hands of the Russian authorities." Russian President Vladimir Putin said it was up to Snowden to figure out his next step. "The sooner he choosing his final destination point, the better both for us and for himself," said Putin. A top Russian lawmaker said Sunday that Russia will not be Snowden pass over the United States. "It is not a matter of Snowden of usefulness in Russia, it is a matter of principle," Alexei Pushkov - who heads the international affairs committee in the Duma, the lower house of parliament - said on Twitter. "He was a political refugee and handing him over to morally unacceptable," he said. European officials reacted fn 5.7 with fury Sunday in a report that the U.S. National Security Agency spied on EU office. The European fn 5.7 Union warned that if the report fn 5.7 is accurate, it will have a huge impact. "I am deeply concerned fn 5.7 and shocked about the allegations," European Parliament President Martin Schulz fn 5.7 said in a statement. "If these allegations prove to be true, it would be a very serious matter which will have a serious impact on EU-US relations. On behalf of the European Parliament, I ask full clarification and require additional fn 5.7 information from hastily U.S. authorities fn 5.7 with regard to the allegations. "German Justice Minister Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenb
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