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A new study conducted at the University by Dr. Jonathan Ben - Dov, the Institute for Advanced Studies EPHE (Sorbonne, Paris) gallery of guns who used modern gallery of guns technology to read ancient texts, offers a new reading one Qumran (Dead Sea Scrolls) - Call alters the conventional dating gallery of guns Some of the scrolls and sheds light on the beginning gallery of guns of writing a commentary on the Bible. source of new technology in the project management of the Antiquities Authority and with the assistance of Google. IAA camera re all high quality gallery of guns scrolls and above those available in the network and for free.
The Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered gallery of guns between the years 1947-1956, in caves near Qumran in the Judean Desert, and include nearly a thousand books of "Rule Committee", one of the Jewish sects of the Second Temple period. Scrolls are considered today one of the most important archaeological discoveries in Israel, since it is the most ancient Bibles came to us, and other literature lost. Between the scrolls were books from the Old Testament writings, apocryphal Bible were familiar and unfamiliar texts at all. Part scrolls were kept well because of the dry weather and arid desert of Judea, but there were quite a few scrolls was difficult to impossible to read them. on 02/13/55 acquired new State of Israel - by Professor Lt. Gen. (Res.) Yigal Yadin and in helping Realtors - Four Dead 1 large cave on - hand Qumran, and thus completed the acquisition of seven scrolls represented in Shrine of the Book "in Jerusalem. gallery of guns Other finds from the caves, discovered in the fifties and sixties, are now saved and displayed IAA website online library of the Dead Sea Scrolls named Leon Levy. Present study deals with one of the scrolls.
On the other hand, this is a very important gallery of guns period in Jewish history, a time when all the concepts of classical Judaism crystallized, such as study, prayer and halacha. Until the discovery of the scrolls, we knew very little about the debates and disagreements prior to writing the Mishnah, for example. Scrolls exploration allows us to understand what were the issues and what were the various positions gallery of guns prompted this sub, "explains Dr. Ben - Dov the importance of the scrolls.
Despite the scrolls themselves were solved already, with still a lot of work in the provision of interpretation and relative location of reporters and other Jewish writings such as the Mishnah, Josephus, Books of Maccabees, prayers and ancient laws and more. What's more, as evidenced by the current study, soon to appear in the journal Dead Sea Discoveries, change a few lines or dots can change our understanding of the text or other.
In the current study, Dr. Ben - Dov and Prof. Daniel Stokely Ben - Ezra Sorbonne trace the scroll titled was "midrash Moses book" and known to scholars called 4Q249. Charter deals with the laws of leprosy according to Leviticus Chapter XIV. This scroll is one of about 12 scrolls (including hundreds of small papyrus gallery of guns fragments), gallery of guns written alphabet encrypted. Scrolls deciphered in 1999 by researcher Stephen Ffan, also dated using this scroll gallery of guns scrolls encrypted beginning of the second century BC.
Title scroll is "midrash Moses book", and is written in unencrypted on the cover page of the scroll out. The researchers gallery of guns said they wrote titles of books in the age of the scrolls, whoever wrote the headline was a librarian, to know where to put the scroll and how to retrieve it easily. However, at first glance, writing was a suspect in the eyes of Dr. Ben - Dov and Prof. Ben - Ezra, "at first glance you can see there is a difference in the manuscript between the words' study 'words' Moses book. But there could be many reasons, gallery of guns and now that person can write in a slightly different, if he had to stop writing for any reason and returns to writing after a while, "said Dr. Ben - Dov.
But here came to the aid of the latest technologies that were not available 15 years ago. With which you could see, for example, different words written in ink. Although technologies have sharpened the differences between letters appeared twice, as m or R ', and pointed to other differences - such as the spaces between the letters, which were written letters angles, font size and more. Line differences that tipped the balance toward two different authors.
But researchers have found yet more evidence that not only strengthened their advocacy, but also explain why there were two different authors and what does this mean. New technology has enabled easily distinguish several points over the word "book" Over the signal S and over the L-shaped - barely visible before. gallery of guns It is also possible to see two similar points under F. and below R ', which was not possible at all to see before. gallery of guns The significance of these points is that the word "book" has been deleted. "At gallery of guns no time would erase ink written on parchment. Therefore, would mark a point above and below the sign and it was a sign that the word was deleted. Our story deals with the librarian, who saw the title" Book of Moses ", delete the word 'book' and replaced it in the Midrash "explained Dr. Ben - Dov." This was the right title for him. "
What, then, is the meaning of "proper title"? Dr. Ben - Dov explains that apparently the person who wrote "Book of Moses" did not know well enough the code and realized that little gallery of guns information sections gallery of guns of the Torah, and decided gallery of guns that it was the Book of Moses ", ie the Torah. However, who wiped out the word better recognized text and realized it was a broad interpretation of the Torah, should call her "study" and not in the Torah itself. "This is one of the earliest occurrences of the word 'study' within the meaning of the biblical gallery of guns text interpretation," he said. "This early period, centuries before the days of Chazal and sub, created the category of 'midrash, and was based distinction between extensions of the Bible - were acceptable at that time - and the connections Drsniim standing outside. Scrolls we find the earliest evidence Legendre "This new literary gallery of guns genre - a commentary on the Bible. Current scroll we see concretely how this concept taking shape, with one person not recognize the existence of such a possibility and another person already familiar with the concept gallery of guns and fixes its predecessor. "
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A new study conducted at the University by Dr. Jonathan Ben - Dov, the Institute for Advanced Studies EPHE (Sorbonne, Paris) gallery of guns who used modern gallery of guns technology to read ancient texts, offers a new reading one Qumran (Dead Sea Scrolls) - Call alters the conventional dating gallery of guns Some of the scrolls and sheds light on the beginning gallery of guns of writing a commentary on the Bible. source of new technology in the project management of the Antiquities Authority and with the assistance of Google. IAA camera re all high quality gallery of guns scrolls and above those available in the network and for free.
The Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered gallery of guns between the years 1947-1956, in caves near Qumran in the Judean Desert, and include nearly a thousand books of "Rule Committee", one of the Jewish sects of the Second Temple period. Scrolls are considered today one of the most important archaeological discoveries in Israel, since it is the most ancient Bibles came to us, and other literature lost. Between the scrolls were books from the Old Testament writings, apocryphal Bible were familiar and unfamiliar texts at all. Part scrolls were kept well because of the dry weather and arid desert of Judea, but there were quite a few scrolls was difficult to impossible to read them. on 02/13/55 acquired new State of Israel - by Professor Lt. Gen. (Res.) Yigal Yadin and in helping Realtors - Four Dead 1 large cave on - hand Qumran, and thus completed the acquisition of seven scrolls represented in Shrine of the Book "in Jerusalem. gallery of guns Other finds from the caves, discovered in the fifties and sixties, are now saved and displayed IAA website online library of the Dead Sea Scrolls named Leon Levy. Present study deals with one of the scrolls.
On the other hand, this is a very important gallery of guns period in Jewish history, a time when all the concepts of classical Judaism crystallized, such as study, prayer and halacha. Until the discovery of the scrolls, we knew very little about the debates and disagreements prior to writing the Mishnah, for example. Scrolls exploration allows us to understand what were the issues and what were the various positions gallery of guns prompted this sub, "explains Dr. Ben - Dov the importance of the scrolls.
Despite the scrolls themselves were solved already, with still a lot of work in the provision of interpretation and relative location of reporters and other Jewish writings such as the Mishnah, Josephus, Books of Maccabees, prayers and ancient laws and more. What's more, as evidenced by the current study, soon to appear in the journal Dead Sea Discoveries, change a few lines or dots can change our understanding of the text or other.
In the current study, Dr. Ben - Dov and Prof. Daniel Stokely Ben - Ezra Sorbonne trace the scroll titled was "midrash Moses book" and known to scholars called 4Q249. Charter deals with the laws of leprosy according to Leviticus Chapter XIV. This scroll is one of about 12 scrolls (including hundreds of small papyrus gallery of guns fragments), gallery of guns written alphabet encrypted. Scrolls deciphered in 1999 by researcher Stephen Ffan, also dated using this scroll gallery of guns scrolls encrypted beginning of the second century BC.
Title scroll is "midrash Moses book", and is written in unencrypted on the cover page of the scroll out. The researchers gallery of guns said they wrote titles of books in the age of the scrolls, whoever wrote the headline was a librarian, to know where to put the scroll and how to retrieve it easily. However, at first glance, writing was a suspect in the eyes of Dr. Ben - Dov and Prof. Ben - Ezra, "at first glance you can see there is a difference in the manuscript between the words' study 'words' Moses book. But there could be many reasons, gallery of guns and now that person can write in a slightly different, if he had to stop writing for any reason and returns to writing after a while, "said Dr. Ben - Dov.
But here came to the aid of the latest technologies that were not available 15 years ago. With which you could see, for example, different words written in ink. Although technologies have sharpened the differences between letters appeared twice, as m or R ', and pointed to other differences - such as the spaces between the letters, which were written letters angles, font size and more. Line differences that tipped the balance toward two different authors.
But researchers have found yet more evidence that not only strengthened their advocacy, but also explain why there were two different authors and what does this mean. New technology has enabled easily distinguish several points over the word "book" Over the signal S and over the L-shaped - barely visible before. gallery of guns It is also possible to see two similar points under F. and below R ', which was not possible at all to see before. gallery of guns The significance of these points is that the word "book" has been deleted. "At gallery of guns no time would erase ink written on parchment. Therefore, would mark a point above and below the sign and it was a sign that the word was deleted. Our story deals with the librarian, who saw the title" Book of Moses ", delete the word 'book' and replaced it in the Midrash "explained Dr. Ben - Dov." This was the right title for him. "
What, then, is the meaning of "proper title"? Dr. Ben - Dov explains that apparently the person who wrote "Book of Moses" did not know well enough the code and realized that little gallery of guns information sections gallery of guns of the Torah, and decided gallery of guns that it was the Book of Moses ", ie the Torah. However, who wiped out the word better recognized text and realized it was a broad interpretation of the Torah, should call her "study" and not in the Torah itself. "This is one of the earliest occurrences of the word 'study' within the meaning of the biblical gallery of guns text interpretation," he said. "This early period, centuries before the days of Chazal and sub, created the category of 'midrash, and was based distinction between extensions of the Bible - were acceptable at that time - and the connections Drsniim standing outside. Scrolls we find the earliest evidence Legendre "This new literary gallery of guns genre - a commentary on the Bible. Current scroll we see concretely how this concept taking shape, with one person not recognize the existence of such a possibility and another person already familiar with the concept gallery of guns and fixes its predecessor. "
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