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MagForce injects iron oxide nanoparticles into a patient and then vibrates them with a magnetic field to generate heat that helps kill cancer cells. It sounds like science fiction but it s real. That s why Peter Thiel s late-stage investment firm Mithril Capital just led a $15 million investment into MagForce s new American subsidiary that values it at $65 million. Founded in 1997, MagForce is already listed on the Frankfurt stock exchange with $144 million market cap. The cash infusion will pay for the nanomedicine company to fund its development for use against more types of cancer, and the approval process in the United States. guard verizon spy mobile If MagForce s NanoTherm treatment gets the greenlight in America, guard verizon spy mobile CEO Ben Lipps tells the company will IPO stateside.
Right now, the NanoTherm treatment is only available in Europe for fighting Glioblastoma brain tumors. A special guard verizon spy mobile coating devised by MagForce surrounds the iron oxide nanoparticles and prevents them from dispersing in the body when they re injected into a tumor. The patient guard verizon spy mobile is then placed in a NanoActivator, which looks like an MRI machine. It emits a magnetic guard verizon spy mobile field and oscillates the polarity 100,000 times per second.
The nanoparticles act as transducers, converting the magnetic energy into heat inside the cancer cells, which makes them easier to kill. Lipps tells me radiation therapy is twice as effective when combined with NanoTherm, so it can either have double the cancer-killing power or the dosage can be halved to reduce side effects. guard verizon spy mobile
Mithril Capital Management and other strategic investors will get 23% of the American MagForce subsidiary for their $15 million investment, and will have the option to buy $15 million more of stock at this price within the next four years. The money could let MagForce guard verizon spy mobile develop NanoTherm for use on prostate cancer along with backing the company for the next two to three years that it could take to get approved in the US.
As for why MagForce wanted Mithril in on the deal, Lipps tells me I was interested in having a US investor who is known to be quite thorough. It lends credibility , alluding to Thiel s propensity for due diligence.
Founded 1997 Overview MagForce AG, a medical device company, operates in the field of nanotechnology-based cancer treatment in Germany. The company offers NanoTherm therapy that treats solid tumors through the intratumoral generation of heat by activating superparamagnetic nanoparticles. It also provides NanoTherm, a ferrofluid liquid containing superparamagnetic iron oxide nanopracticles that is activated in an alternating … Website Full profile for MagForce Mithril Capital Management
Founded 2012 Overview Mithril is a global technology investment firm founded in 2012 and based in San Francisco. Combining insights from technology, macroeconomics, and finance, Mithril guard verizon spy mobile invests guard verizon spy mobile in businesses that use technology to solve intractable problems, often in traditional sectors long overdue for innovation. Mithril is founded guard verizon spy mobile on the principle that a deep understanding of technology and markets allows for conviction … Founders Peter Thiel , Ajay Gopal Royan Full profile for Mithril Capital Management Peter Thiel
Bio Peter Thiel is a technology entrepreneur and investor. He first gained attention for innovations in banking and startup finance. Today he is known as the mentor of the PayPal mafia of entrepreneurs, as well as for his warnings of a coming technology deficit with severe economic consequences. He works to accelerate innovation to prevent such a crisis by identifying and funding promising technology … Full profile for Peter Thiel
Posted Aug 8, 2014
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