Sunday, September 14, 2014

3 Adam Zamoys, the Holy Madness: Romantics, Patriots and Revolutionaries 1776-1871, 1999 In the 19t

When I returned to America in 1985 from Turkey, a thousand eyes looked like picking up effort came I leave my collection of books. I had a thousand-odd books. A few years later when I was in New York again with a single collective works of Aristotle Jowett translation of Plato's Dialogues I threw my bag; I donated the rest to my ex-wife. Who will carry? Where to fit?
Re-deposited. In 1991, for a period of kolileyip all I had to drop a derelict house in Kuzguncuk. Six months later, when I returned I could not find anything more than a few tears fascicles. The winds blew! I started again from scratch.
Re-deposited. When moving home again in 2008, a ten to fifteen parcels of redundant distributed left and right. Had a part in my old house, standing in my daughter's room. Fine from the hotel's library, picked up a few hundred of them. Today I counted; nevertheless accumulated two thousand-odd books in my house. We did the math portion of the new library, I'll cctv5 grant. cctv5 But I hesitated. I would not and will not; If the benefits and what the hell I'm going to eat here?
Two in the nation asks, "What about something my teacher let us read books," he. On this occasion I looked at him a little bit. It is difficult to make a list, but I read in the last twenty years "was wow" I think I can list what I say. I have to remember before 1991, because they are not under my hand. Much of what I read the novel after reading the type I gave it to him; I'd forgotten a lot of them, I suppose. In his youth he read the classics hatmet so I did not need to be.
There are many Turkish books than English at home. I'm getting a new release every year 150-200 books. But twenty years remaining in mind how many books are there Turkish pattern, but I swear I can count to twenty. There roomful of recent history, and Ottoman history, for example. Leave aside the reference cctv5 value, read the "horizon opened my eyes fell out of my curtains," he can not find one. A demoralizing thing.
So Eighty percent of my list, unfortunately, will be in English. If you do not speak English, I'm sorry, there's nothing to do. "I do not know why," she ask yourself if you want.
I enter my reference books; If there is more exciting to me than touching novel dictionaries and reference books I have. More than half of my life is going with them. I'd say here, enjoy reading in bed at night or ride in aldıklarım.heps has the spark of genius. If that spark, interesting cctv5 or important as a source cctv5 of information, though I did not mention here.
1 Edward Gibbon, cctv5 Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, 1786. largest in the history of the English language is a masterpiece. Moral-political wisdom, diligence and factual narration is unrivaled in the field of glory. Read from translation shame. 2,700 pages.
2 Charles Mackay, Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds, 1852 Throughout history, cctv5 the collapse of a large mass moments of hysteria and public mind. South Sea Bubble, tulip mania, witch hunts, crusades, modern prophets, etc.
3 Adam Zamoys, the Holy Madness: Romantics, Patriots and Revolutionaries 1776-1871, 1999 In the 19th century, which has prospered in the space left by the religious-secular revolutionary nation that religion, a stunning horizon tour.
4 Tom Holland, Rubicon. Prior to Titus Livius do, or read a book in the Roman Republic got to be on the classical type. Holland "official history" add insult to injury with great skill under the political reality.
5 Jared Diamond, Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Survive, 2005 No unexpected from the perspective of world history. How and why societies collapse collapsed? From the same author of Guns, Germs and Steel. Why civilizations develop? Why Columbian America conquered the Aztecs cctv5 conquer Europe?
6 Mark Mazowin the Salonica: City of Ghosts. cctv5 Turkish is also there. Extremely humane, an in-depth history of the city. Nationalism is a classic about the damage. From the same author of The Balkans: A Short History, 2000 Short, concise, correct perspective.
Felipe Fernandez-Armesto 8, Millennium, 1995, the history of the world in 1000 AD. A bit verbose, but abnormal learns a lot of people. From the same author, The Truth: A History, 1997 from an unusual perspective, the history of philosophy. Good.
9 Bernard Lewis, The Muslim Discovery of the West. Unable to cope with the West and the Islamic world of the story bogged down. Lewis Şarkç / Islamist / Third Worldist stereotypes is ruthless hunter. All books are worth reading. What Went Wrong, 2002, somewhat simplified summary of the above. The Multiple Identities of the Middle East, based on the analysis of the problem of identity in the Middle East. Race and Slavery in the Middle East, racism and slavery in the Islamic world that, like slap.
10 Niall Ferguson, The Ascent of Money, 2008. the history of the money economy. Ferguson lacquer f

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