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Android operating system for mobile phones, smartphones, the most popular mobile OS in the US and perhaps the most popular on the planet enjoys increasing attention worldwide categorical midway usa and gadgets that due to the diversity that is installed. Unfortunately, Android does not escape the attention of hackers and cyber criminals just waiting to get popular new technologies to profit informational, technological and financial illegal. However, midway usa as Android is now?
According to a study by TrendLabs, in the first 3 months of this year were discovered malware then 5,000 in April to nearly 15,000 discover malware and expect that until the end to reach nearly 130,000 mobile malware. Worrying is that only 20% of mobile applications and a dedicated midway usa application security as evidence, 17 malicious applications from Google Play were downloaded 700,000 times until they reach to be removed.
Endless malware behavior shows that the top Android applications are Premium midway usa Service abuser with 48%, followed by 22% Adware and within easy reach, with 21% of data theft. Spy tools currently occupy only 4% which shows that by now are used for targeted. An example of a malicious application was SMSZombie not too popular in Europe and the US to address a service that is used predominantly Chinese - SMS Mobile Payment Service. 500,000 infected application of devices and sent money to the accounts of profiles online games.
For about $ 16 a month or less, there are applications for Android phones midway usa espionage (attention, and not only) highly complex and well developed publicly addressing parents who want to be closer to children their managers of firms suspected industrial espionage midway usa and government bodies. Application Control is both SMS and the Internet, where possible. You can record calls and view call history, you can read incoming and outgoing SMS, you can define keywords for this SMS, you can record surrounding noise by more than 10 meters, you can read emails from GMail or on any defined service explicitly in the default email application from Android, you can access all the contacts stored on your phone, all activities calendar, you can view photos, videos, music; there is access to the browser's history, the monitoring location with or without GPS and the list goes on. I repeat, this can only be made public intelligence application. Monitoring Wifi networks, gaining control over networks, installation midway usa of 0-day exploits on network computers, midway usa monitoring bluethoot could complete list. What options midway usa could have a botnet for Android?
Although situations of this kind have been few so far, we can expect at any moment to a botnet really popularized through Google Play + something magical. Imagine the following scenario - a new app that solves a seemingly general public need was loaded in Google Play. After being discharged, this automatically gives Like, +1 and score well in the market application, possibly random comment from a predefined list, perhaps trying to bind a dialogue between two "customers". Application malware exploits a vulnerability that allows obtaining root right on your mobile phone. Among others do a ping to a Hijacked website, which has a special midway usa communication service installed malware. It shall provide a list of websites Hijacked decentralized. Okay, make a mobile fingerprinting all (this operation can be done before getting root access and thus backdoor) is required to decide whether any additional tool from one of the servers. If not collect such information - email addresses, phone numbers, conversations, history, cookies, accounts, might infect phones until reaching the target, performing the operation for which it was created, and then diluted. The rest is variable. The problem is still spreading - wifi networks on other phones offering personalized messages to friends by country and city where by 0-day sites by building permanent infected applications. An introduction to security on Android
Android is a mobile platform that was developed modern thinking of opening. Android applications using the tec
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