Forum Political Criticism - Criticism of Islam - "the cowardly Free World" Migration and the consequences of misguided policy Germany Migration: We present the people the loaded revolver If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions by. You need to register presumably before you can write Beitrge. Click on 'Register' button to start the registration process. You can start viewing Beitrge. Get the best the forum that interests you most.
Two days ago, appeared in the magazine TIME online an interview with the Oxford economist Paul Collier, was gefhrt by Philipp Faigle. But a short time later it was taken out of the network. Was this topic too sensitive? 9mm ammo
Migration: We present the people the loaded revolver TIME ONLINE: Fr as a scientist 9mm ammo you must be a grouping 9mm ammo riddle. There are protesting citizen against the Islamization of the West, in a region where there is almost no Muslims. How do you explain that? Collier: I think the less amazing than you. Of course, the hatred that these people spread inexcusable. But we observe the emergence of such extreme movements in other countries such as France. We should therefore be more Mhe to understand where they come from. ZEIT ONLINE: And where do they come from? Collier: My thesis 9mm ammo is that the politicians of the center countries failed to occupy the subject of migration policy. That was a mistake, because we know from studies that people react with suspicion and discomfort when their socially familiar environment verndert through 9mm ammo immigration. This is an absolutely familiar findings of social science research. If we respond as Europe's politicians and the theme hush, the result is exactly what we are experiencing: People do not forget their troubles. And the extreme right and left to get a given topic that should be discussed in the mainstream of society. ZEIT ONLINE: But it will not be discussed because there? In Germany there for years a heated debate 9mm ammo over immigrants. 9mm ammo Collier: We are experiencing an emotional, lcherliche and polarized debate. It culminates in a constantly question: Is immigration good or bad? Some are unconditionally for more immigration, others reject it. In this case, this question is nonsense. ZEIT ONLINE: What is the correct one? Collier: How much migration is for all the best? That is the key question, both for the rich Lnder is migrated to the, and for the Herkunftslnder. ZEIT ONLINE: In Germany, researchers duel currently mainly with numbers to prove how much to contribute the bottom line of a company or not immigrants. Collier: The nomic consequences of immigration are neglecting. Crucial are the social consequences. We know that a certain degree of cultural diversity utilizes a society, 9mm ammo because the new immigrants bring innovation and change. But this is true only up to a certain Ma, because at unequal societies can have negative consequences. ZEIT ONLINE: What are they? Collier: We know about Robert Putnam ... ZEIT ONLINE: ... the American, rather leftist sociologists ... Collier: ... that the mutual trust within a society decreases as the difference 9mm ammo increases. If the differences are too great, the people cower away. For the modern and rich societies is therefore of importance 9mm ammo because we have countless, very complex institutions that require mutual trust, as in our social systems. If a society is to put together, the harder it is to maintain such systems. ZEIT ONLINE: And therefore can be harmful too much migration? Collier: Obviously, yes. A second feature of the euro scopic companies is their generosity Opposite the needy. Numerous studies have shown that a high degree of migration to the willingness of companies lowers generously to gewhren benefits. You can see that, for example, in the US The company is less homogeneous composition than those in Europe. Accordingly, the state is less generously to the poor in the country. ZEIT ONLINE: So Somebody would have to decide: So and so much immigration is good and so and so much is bad. Who should do it?
There are topics that will be discussed only "politically correct" "drfen" because after all it is clear the course, the Titanic has taken. (You have everything under control on the sinking ship.)
Apart from the wrong date of censorship, the Colliers opinion is just ok. Unfortunately, the article 9mm ammo is not completely. It's significant that one this post
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