The story begins on the morning of 04/09/2015, when few phone number to call her pretending to inquiries about its products business. After their appointment to his house to see the s / p, in his then home in no time down to them. And he has decided not to hear them because they inquired neighbor passed ar 15 for sale on her gd. After her call to tell them no one to watch sp, they blatantly standing discuss his doorstep. ar 15 for sale
Summary of their conversation: Person A: The person pretending ar 15 for sale to purchase B: Management Mathematics do household ar 15 for sale name in Thanh Nhan Ward. Person B says: Why do I have to ask this person down. A man said, "This," he engaged in protected trees
Then, the A continuous call to my company to threaten ar 15 for sale with the tone as follows: I was managing the business license, I want to meet the person in charge of personnel. To the companies themselves answer our company does not manage personnel because we sell products directly .... hung him sad because no pressure is for his work. He said "this child study two university degrees, as reported some time now it MLM". A bored, they go back to stand, and at 20:30 pm the same day that two men had called ar 15 for sale at my door banging doors and rumbling, then I'm the girl slept. Do it awake my husband and my little nephew to see who called, but unconsciously so.
When I asked who their down formal introduction 1 person CART name phone number: 0978512222 do police management of the ward area Thanh Nhan. And people traveling with eye glasses are called Long introduced the security police in Hai Ba Trung. I asked if they had anything that I wanted to tell my family, they moved to a temporary absence to do temporary residence papers. They asked me to take the household ar 15 for sale registration book and ID always. ar 15 for sale I did not take and say if I do whatever papers the police precinct tomorrow I do, but now and then and take the night finished with the paperwork right level for me ???
British police area my appointment 10/04/2015 19:30 pm on a police precinct work, I tell my kids busy evening so I am going out. A policeman ar 15 for sale then said I am not busy with school, and I had said ok tomorrow night because not want to lose more time.
04/10/2015 The day after, I took my family to breakfast and had planned to go to the pagoda, I received a strange phone numbers constantly and I just start to see the number 0978512222. I machine CART regional police Here, now I know the police precinct as travel documents. My family and I are very upset about the time schedule of the public security organs with such people because I have to cancel taking the family to the ceremony.
I go to the 2nd floor in the room when he met his deputy ward was introduced he named Tu and a further 2 we introduce him. A man wearing a suit and his name Long Tuan glasses 9/4 full day hovering in my house, this is his second security Hai Ba Trung district.
I saw him respond Tu shied away ward should I say always, I off the ward to make paper out of his not help job security whatsoever. Request a Tu vice wards back if not me, then he said he immediately brought this e all papers not. I say enough, and a moment ar 15 for sale later a Tu me also just launched a few papers. Once complete, the second information security he started asking questions to me and I said I did not have to answer these questions. Anh Tuan said he asked the district security while you answer or not is up to you. And I agree, but the whole of his question and answer Tuan, I have recorded ar 15 for sale before. ar 15 for sale (I will post recordings there for everyone to hear)
The top of the peak is at 8 am on 04.12.2015. When my daughter and her husband and has opened the door to take her daughter to breakfast, then a group of people stormed ar 15 for sale into my house includes physician group leaders ar 15 for sale and several men standing outside the door. Uncle leader asks me why I do not associate with the police to do the paperwork, so I gaped speak with their doctor to lie to the police then I've done all the paperwork wards th 10/4. After I let doctors see timelines day I recorded conversations in the ward, the doctor was surprised to.
Physicians ar 15 for sale began to say: you do not understand what happened, he saw the police precinct to say to him about not cooperating and advised him not to go out this morning 4/12/2015. I said: I want to know why she is forbidden to go out today is. I put offspring go eat and hang on offer for children, violating the law of Vietnam does not ?. Uncle says doctors do not understand and do not really know anything, they say I do not get dressed, "As for a greener". And I said: shirt she wore had to reactionary political lies or not ?? Because for a greener, why ban? So he wants to Hanoi into what? I protect the trees not only personal protection that protects her family to everybody including those precluded him go.
Then doctors said that her team leader on doing the right thing, ar 15 for sale do not you join me now reject ar 15 for sale the clearance. I firmly took the first car out crowd wearing only letters
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