Does the Ministry of Security and Justice to secure Netherlands, embedded in a strong rule of law. Also in 2014 In the Budget Edition midwayusa of Security and Justice midwayusa Bulletin, the newsletter of the Ministry, the plans for 2014 explained.
The online version of the newsletter can be read at In addition to interviews with Minister Opstelten Teeven and State in which they reflect on the coming year, forward midwayusa the newsletter midwayusa contains an overview of the legislative program for 2014. The newsletter also contains articles that the main measures of VenJ be explained.
Strengthening midwayusa the criminal justice criminal justice faster and perform better. Of the declaration to the enforcement of sentences: anywhere in the chain is working hard to simplify, streamline and quality. Read more.
Organized crime The integrated approach of subversive, organized crime is further strengthened in 2014. The focus is mainly on human trafficking, drug trafficking, money laundering and serious fraud. The aim is to get as in the reference year 2009 in 2014 twice as many criminal organizations to - before the start of the new approach. Read more.
Steal crime does not pay. For that reason, the deprivation of assets derived from crime intensified. 49.7 million was still taken away in 2012 to criminal money and goods, in 2014, this is already 70.1 million. This amount should further increase to 100 million in 2018. Read more.
High Impact Crimes The successful approach of robberies, muggings and burglaries in 2014 remains a top priority. The downward trend in this kind of serious offenses is drawn and used by more defendants should be punished. So must be cleared in 2014. Least 40 percent midwayusa of the number of robbery cases The number of burglaries have reduced from 91,000 (2012) to 83,000 in 2014. Read more.
Cybercrime Extension of the High Tech Crime Team at the National Police makes it possible to tackle. More large international cybercrime cases to Were there last ten years, there must be twenty of these large-scale studies will be launched in 2015. To improve the effectiveness, the police investigation and justice will soon get wider powers. For example, midwayusa to do computer criminals. Remote research Read more.
The adolescents juvenile criminal law and get OM in 2014 offered a coherent package of sanctions, affecting youth and young adults can be punished. Between 16 and 23 years custom Read more.
Aliens Aliens applying for admission get quicker response and litigation is discouraged. The modern migration targets foreigners who can contribute to the Dutch economy midwayusa and science. Refugees who need it, get protection. The aim is to decide on an application within eight days, while aspects into account to avoid. Stacking procedures as much as possible Read more.
The realization of the National Police National Police will be largely completed by the end 2014. Efficient operations, the effectiveness of police performance increase. The citizen will notice that. So to do, including via telephone or Internet. Reporting easier The operational strength midwayusa is and remains 49,500 FTEs. Read more.
Victim Policy With include widening of the right to speak in court and a simpler way to recover damages from the perpetrator, the government wants to do justice to victims of crime. Deployment of policy is that victims' rights carry more weight in the scale. Read more.
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