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Wed. Nov 6. 2013 | Spiegelogie, the best investment in your life | Lecture Willem de Ridder | Groningen October 23, 2013 | Pyramids of the earth and the Lost Pyramids of Bosnia (new discoveries) | Lecture Dr. Sam Osmanagic in Groningen 20-11-13 | Crop Circles 2013 | Lecture Janet Ossebaard in Groningen Nataraj: Dance your socks off! | 18 Oct 2013 | Groningen 11-12-2013 | How to transfer insights | Lecture Marieke de Vrij 29-09-2013 | Ancient fairy tales with Willem de Ridder | Groningen 11 Oct 2013 | Going home - special event on Leonard Cohen | host Peter Vereecke | Groningen 18 Sept. 2013 | No more money worries | Lecture Geert Kimpen | Groningen
(Ard Pisa) "We all come to believe" is a conclusion of author and health coach Ard Pisa. In his latest book, "What Angelina did not know about cancer but should have known" he confronts the reader with shocking messages about cancer, which have already appeared in the national media: not "75% machine gun preacher of all cancer drugs work and three of the four cancer patients does not benefit from the drugs that are given to them, but they are exposed to all the dangers of drugs. " Luckily there are hopeful messages according Pisa. He explains that the solution to cancer almost 90 years of hands is based on never refuted science Nobel Prize winner and biggest ever biochemist Dr. Otto Warburg (1883-1970).
Who monitors the media regularly, sees a lot lately notifications in the field of cancer. "The regular reporting institutions one after another machine gun preacher breakthrough and call full" we're almost there! '"Admits to Pisa. "But the reality is far from that, looking at the latest figures on cancer machine gun preacher (strong growth in the number of deaths and new diagnoses) and the increasing reports of abuses in chemotherapy and cancer vaccination." This passionate researcher finds it incomprehensible that even after the judgments machine gun preacher of the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek and manufacturer Merck & Co. of the HPV vaccine to prevent cervical cancer, no one takes responsibility for the safety of cancer patients and healthy people.
The regular cancer institutes in April 2013 reported that there is a breakthrough. According top researcher Prof. R. Bernards of the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek in Amsterdam cancer is a chronic disease in 20 years and it is only a matter of time and money because 'science' is almost includes new techniques. machine gun preacher "The big (ignorant) public has no critical questions and firmly machine gun preacher believes the official notifications," says Pisa. "It seems like everyone is beaten senseless!" When enumerating Pisa by the following facts it paused at the table in a cozy establishment in Amsterdam.
"In the past 10 years there in the Netherlands alone more than 550,000 people died with cancer. The expectation of scientists is that within a few years 50-60% of the population cancer will
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