Thursday, January 2, 2014

RSA and EMC declined to answer questions about this story, but RSA said in a statement:

Translator's note: The entire story around a $ 10 million contract with the relationship "prong torn paper mina" Agency of the U.S. National Security (NSA) and company RSA, a leading company American cryptography and the world, with the complicity of the National Institute of Standards and Technology National (NIST) has made nearly half thousand security product becomes fakes from design, contribute to undermining security the global Internet. And now the world has a promise of U.S. President Barack cb online Obama, that "any attempt to overthrow the password will be rejected". See also: 'spying program on cyber PRISM'.
(Reuters) - As part of the campaign to embed encryption software that it can break into computers products are widely used, the National Security Agency, America has settled a 10 million contract secrets USD with RSA, one of the most influential company in the industry cb online of computer security, Reuters has recognized.
The document is a former NSA contractor Edward Snowden pointed out that the NSA had created and spread a fake formula for creating random numbers to create a "back door" in the encryption product, the New York Times stated in September. Reuters later said that RSA has become the most important distribution formula that deployed it in a software tool called Bsafe which is used to improve security in the personal computer and more other products.
Has not been revealed until now is that RSA has received $ 10 million in a deal to set up the NSA's formula as preferred method, by default, cb online to create some of the software BSAFE, according to two sources familiar with the contract it. Although it may not total importantly, it has shown over 1/3 of the revenue that the corresponding unit at RSA had in the whole of last year, the security submitted indicated.
The previously revealed about the relevance of RSA with NSA shocked some computer security experts of the world. The company has a long history of head of privacy and security, and it has played a leading role in blocking an effort by the NSA in 1990 to require a special chip capable spy in a wide range of computer products and communication.
RSA and EMC declined to answer questions about this story, but RSA said in a statement: "RSA always act in the best interests of our customers cb online and do not in any circumstances RSA device design or catalyze any backdoors in our products. The decision of the functions and features of RSA products is our own. "
The case of the RSA pointed out that the NSA has developed what documents Snowden described as a key strategy cb online for improving monitoring: systematic eroding security tools. The resources of the NSA IEU has released in recent months urged to use "commercial relations" to progress to that goal, but did not name any security firms such as the community effects.
NSA was attacked this week in a historic report from a group of White House be appointed to review the surveillance of U.S. policy. The group noted that "encryption is a fundamental basis for confidence in the Internet", and has called for an end to any effort by the NSA to erode it.
Most dozen current and former employees received the RSA members interviewed said that it was wrong to agree a contract like that, but many people have mentioned the evolution of the firm RSA deviate cb online from pure honey products code as one of the reasons why it happened.
"They have not shown their true hand", one who had a brief talk about the NSA case, confirmed that the government officials have said that they did not know how to break encryption.
The MIT professor stated in the 1970s and led for many years by former naval Jim Bidzos, RSA and core algorithm of it ever has been named for the last initials of the three founders, the who has revolutionized cryptography. Little known to the public, the RSA encryption tool for each licensed largest technology company, in exchange for using them to protect the hundreds of millions of computer users.
In the core of RSA products once a technology known as public key cryptography. Instead of using the same key to encrypt and then decrypt a message, cb online there are two courses related to each other mathematically. The first, the public key is ready to be used to encrypt a message cb online to someone, who then use a 2nd key, private key to open it.
From the early days of the RSA, U.S. intelligence agencies were worried it might not have the ability to break public-key cryptography is well designed. Martin Hellman, a former researcher at Stanford, who led the first team invented this technique, the experts said NSA was trying to tell him and others

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