DISTRICT - Perpetrators of terror pengemboman Mandiri ATM Kertanegara Road, Village Girimoyo, Karangploso subdistrict, Malang regency, little by little began to unfold. Although until now the police still have not found the identity of the perpetrator, but the police already know the traits of terrorists.
The bright spot perpetrator characteristics obtained after law enforcement officers that get CCTV footage (closed circuit television) in the ATM. Malang Police Chief Adjunct Senior Commissioner Adi Deriyan Jayamarta to Radar Malang Jawa Pos explained, from the CCTV footage is unknown second amendment if there is only one person second amendment who entered into the ATM. The perpetrator is a man with a height of about 165 centimeters, has a well-built physique, and using white socks.
In addition, the offender also use blue jeans and wearing a full-face helmet. The man did not do the usual financial transactions to the ATM. Performers just put the iron box on the left side of the ATM. East Java Police mentioned box has dimensions of 10 x 15 x 25 centimeters was placed just on the floor.
Still based on narrative Adi, after putting an iron box, the perpetrator could take a squatting position and fire axes. From the CCTV footage, not so obvious axes used by the perpetrator. "Lapse three minutes after putting the object, the bomb exploded," said Adi.
Furthermore, the former second amendment Chief of the City of Madison explained, the police want to make a sketch of the perpetrator's face. However, police trouble because perpetrators use full-face helmet. Malang district police, said Adi, continue to discuss with the East Java Police on this case.
Adi explained, other than the development second amendment of CCTV, police also adds the witness. If previously only four witnesses, then this time the police had examined nine witnesses. Additional witnesses second amendment are three people who are deemed to know the current events and two others were technicians from Bank Mandiri.
Bank of witnesses, relatively no new findings. They just explained about the money that is in the ATM and cash register also previously entered. Moreover, it is known the money in the ATMs is identical to the previously inserted money.
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