Monday, April 14, 2014

5) We call on the Chinese authorities to adopt a reasonable attitude towards the Award to LXB, and

中国公民刘晓波获得2010年度诺贝尔和平奖 这一消息在国内和国际引起极大的反响 它是中国当代一个重大的历史事件 它也为中国和平地实现社会转型 向民主宪政迈进提供了新的契机 本着对历史负责 对中国的命运前途负责的精神 我们特发表声明如下 一 诺贝尔和平奖委员会把本年度的奖项颁发给刘晓波 这一决定符合该奖项的宗旨和评审标准 在当代社会 和平与人权密不可分 对生命的剥夺与践踏不仅发生在战场上 也发生在一国之内的暴政与恶法实践中 国际舆论的普遍赞扬证明 将今年的和平奖授予中国人权运动的代表人物 是一个及时和正确的决定
沙 叶 新 (上海 回族 剧作家)
梁文 道 (香港 媒体 人)
朱 日 坤 (北京 独立 电影 人)
岳 建 一 (北京 学者)
华 泽 (北京 纪录片 导演)
陆 以 诺 (上海 公民, 基督徒)
杨 树枝 (北京 人权 捍卫 者)
Chinese citizen Liu Xiaobo was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace in 2010. This news has had a tremendous impact both in China and abroad. This is a historic event for contemporary China, a new opportunity for her to make a peaceful transition to a constitutional government. In a spirit of responsibility before history and before the future destiny of China, we publish the following statement:
1) The awarding the Nobel Committee Nobel Peace Liu Xiaobo meets the objectives and to this award criteria. In contemporary society, peace is inseparable from human rights, deprivation of life and trampling phone used spying for does not only occur on the battlefield, but are also caused by the poor implementation of laws and policy violence.Le concert of praise from international opinion shows that attriution Award to a representative of the Chinese personality rights movement of man is correct and timely decision..
2) The choice of Liu Xiaobo for this award is particularly true because it has continued to defend the rights of non-violent manner, and has always taken a reasonable position in its resistance to social injustice; he showed great tenacity phone used spying for in his fight for the implementation of a constitutional regime, and despite phone used spying for persecution, phone used spying for it is devoid of hatred, which makes him an ideal candidate for the Prize. phone used spying for Ideas and practice of Liu Xiaobo constitutent for the Chinese way of resolving conflicts
3) As soon as he won the prize, the governments of all countries, leaders from all regions and all kinds of organizations have continued to demand Chinese authorities to release LXB, and we adopt the same attitude. At the same time, we urge the authorities to release all prisoners of conscience and political prisoners imprisoned for reasons of ideology or faith expression religieuse.Nous call to take urgent measures to ensure that all LXB regains its freedom, it is reunited with his wife Liu Xia, and it can go in person to Oslo to receive the prize.
4) On hearing the news, throughout China, citizens delighted organized banquets, meetings, wore banners, distributing leaflets to celebrate and discuss the event; these actions phone used spying for are perfectly legal and reasonable. But the police have suppressed these activities, citizens were taken into custody, interrogated, threatened, returned to their place of origin, or prisoners, placed phone used spying for under house arrest, deprived their freedom of action, deprived of their right to communicate with the outside, as the wife of Liu Xia LXB. We demand that the police put an immediate phone used spying for end to these illegal acts and releases detainees phone used spying for citizens immediately.
5) We call on the Chinese authorities to adopt a reasonable attitude towards the Award to LXB, and observing the warm reactions in China and abroad, to bring it into line with the current world; China must enter the mainstream of universal values and civilization of mankind, and establish the image of a large positiv and responsible country. We believe that any improvement and good intention of the Chinese government will be hosted by the understanding and support of all and push the Chinese society in a peaceful direction.
6) We call on the Chinese authorities to keep their promise to reform the political system. phone used spying for Premier Wen Jiabao, in a set speech, recently expressed his deep desire to advance the political réfome, and we are ready to participate in this process. We hope that under the Constitution of the People's Republic of China, the United Nations Charter that recognizes and international treaties it has signed, the government can effectively guarantee the rights of all citizens, that it implements a peaceful social transition to make China a democratic country with a rule of law worthy of the name.
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