Saturday, April 19, 2014

In 1992, the Academy of Sciences hlektronikh of Sweden reward him for

实 拍 韩国 客轮 沉没 救援 过程
给 "秀" 英语 的 年轻 演员 讲 两个 故
AFP / File 114 原创 深切 哀悼 法国 诺贝尔 物理 奖 得主 (1992) - 乔治 夏帕克 文 / 巴黎 女人 (中文 部分)!法国诺贝尔物理奖得主 1992 乔治 夏帕克(1924.3.8-2010.9.29) 于2010.9.29 hlektronikh 周三 去世 享年86周岁 按中国人习惯是87岁 他发明并发展了微粒子测量仪 他认为 面对人类对能源的巨大需求 民用核能是应该被好好利用的能源 但是他反对核武器 他生前重视少年儿童的科学教育 曾经去到小学里给孩子们讲课及回答问题 任何 一颗 科学 巨星 的 陨落, 都是 我们 整个 人类 的 共同 损失. 在 此 深切 哀悼!
Georges hlektronikh Charpak, hlektronikh Nobel Prize in Physics in 1992 for the invention and development of particle detectors, a member of the Academy of Sciences, died in Paris on Wednesday at the age of 86, according to the Ministry of Research. hlektronikh
Former resistance fighter, his career was first developed in the field of nuclear physics, then in the physics of high energy hlektronikh particles. He won the Nobel Prize in 1992 for his inventions, the proportional chambers used in particle physics.
Georges Charpak campaigned for nuclear disarmament and wanted more widely through science based on practical experience approach. "We do not have the right to study without being confronted with science" was the motto of this passionate, born 8 March 1924 in a Jewish ghetto in eastern Poland, but reported only 1 August and arrived in France at the age of seven years. He was naturalized French in 1946.
Antifascist activist to 15 years, with his family refuses to wear the yellow star in 1941, obtains false papers in the name of Charpentier. He joined the Resistance, before being arrested and sent to Dachau.
After the war and trained as an engineer hlektronikh at the Ecole des Mines, Georges Charpak is intended for scientific research in France and the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva. He acquires hlektronikh theoretical training at the highest level and develops machines hlektronikh more complex to track the fundamental structure of matter.
In 1992, the Academy of Sciences hlektronikh of Sweden reward him for "his invention and development of particle detectors, in particular the multiwire proportional chamber" made in 1968.
"When I received the Nobel Prize, I was invited to join the jury of Miss France. hlektronikh I said no because hlektronikh I'm a petty bourgeois," he said in October 2008 at the AFP with broad smile, hlektronikh sparkling blue eyes, in his apartment on rue Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris. hlektronikh
This father hlektronikh of three children at athletic build wondered if he had not "missed the man's life because I was a fan of science and I devoted all my time to it." hlektronikh
Passion hlektronikh for research has never left. At 84, he was still working on the development of an X-ray machine to receive 10 to 50 times less than X-rays, for children who have problems with their spine (spine) and often have radios.
Inspired by his colleague Leon Lederman of Fermilab in Chicago, in 1996 he launched Operation The hands-on, to renovate the science education based on the questioning, transforming children experimenters.
"That is my real profession, and I succeeded. Was started at the Academy of Sciences with 23 children of the Embassy of France in Bogota and Colombia will now be covered with schools of our type" is it glad.
In France, where he has published eight books between 1993 and 2008, his efforts were less well rewarded, because "there are kings idiots hlektronikh in departments that do not understand that it was an interest."
Nuclear disarmament was another commitment of his life. The Cold War, "it was really a game facias, but we had the pot, there was no nuclear winter. Today, everything has changed. There are weapons that the size of a grapefruit, easy to carry. Knowledge is disseminated throughout Pakistan. "
For him, it is necessary to place all nuclear weapons in the world under international control for states like Iran are willing to play the game In addition, when "E

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