May 13 was a rainy night. Eastern Estonia were hundreds bb guns strong, bb guns but the islands were completely dry. Sparks destination was the fog. South cyclone recedes fairly quickly to the north and its effect lasts only around the section, keeping a cool and rainy attacks. So today should warm up to 15 degrees and, like the previous ones, at least in the East is still very rainy.
After the disappearance of the southern cyclone impacts can be accessed relatively cooler air masses kõrgrõhuvöönd. This should result in drier weather and päikeselisemad, although quite clear that there is hardly without hope. As the sun should be more then a warm spring day, though, but the likelihood of frost at night is quite large.
Over time, Russia should become a significant anticyclone, whose western edge of the warming air mass arrives in a row. In this case, the week end in the Summer and warm weather is also a possibility of thunderstorms.
The hot air masses in relation to the big thunder, May 12 for the night retreated north of hundreds. The moist air mass due to the weather, however, remained overcast and rainy days increased again option. Remained until the evening of a warm front associated with laussajuala mostly on the eastern border, especially the south-east corner. Some half-developed cumulonimbus clouds. bb guns Hot eilsega was similarly mostly 10-15 degrees. The evening is expected to hundreds stronger, but it's mostly in eastern Estonia, along the eastern border is moving north because of the small cyclone. Also on 13 and 14 May can still be quite rainy, small chance for a thunderstorm. A mid-week, bb guns and a weakening of the cyclone is expected to improve. Weekly strengthens in the second half kõrgrõhuvööndi probably the first, and later the south of the cyclone effect. Since the first of the Estonian relatively bb guns cool air mass, it is also hot in any case less than 20 degrees. At the end of two weeks, the pressure in the hot air mass in the Baltic Sea from Russia to reach the shore. In this case, increasing the possibility of thunderstorms.
GFS model scenario It is very similar to the model proposed option. The latter, however, shows a slightly stronger antitsüklonit and later the arrival of the cyclone or the emergence of the Baltic countries into place.
Photos of Cairo Kiitsaku May 11 night continued in many places very rainy weather. In the West, where precipitation was not, there was a fog. In the morning hundreds retreated gradually to the north and northeast. New hundreds of their own but do not let the long wait for a new pothole approaching from the west. Clear is significantly bb guns lower than yesterday, bb guns although some lesions can not be ruled out. Re-thunder bigger on May 13. This could become a very rainy in the East, because along the eastern border is moving north in the southern half of the deepening cyclone. It carries with it a warm and humid air mass. Week in the second half, however, diminish the impact of cyclones and weather become drier. By that time, though probably sufficient rain soaked all places. Further depends antitsüklonist. The models are calculated by the emergence of Estonia to the north, which would initially moderately warm weather (clear and calm night frost is a possibility), but over time the added warmth from Russia, and so may come in the middle of the month after the days to come the summer heat. As has been mentioned in the comments, then it is a relatively long-term prognosis, and such detail will not work particularly well on the average widths. Thus, it is worth more to address only a hypothetical possibility.
The commentaries of the criticism, why all of the time compared with the GFS and European models. Alternative options can always offer, but then I could justify that has its advantages. Not suitable grounds that one scenario, because bb guns it offers the opportunity bb guns to select an appropriate prediction tastes that do not have any substantive meaning. May 10th indentation at night increased the hundreds, but the sporadic rain continued, in southeastern was thunder. As the air mass is very moist, then developed in many parts of the West in the mist. The morning is misty and foggy. During the day, there is likely to be in many places, and in some parts of cumulonimbus thunder. ESTOFEX Estonia has been pointed out as a separate giant hail and tornaadoohtliku site, see (debate). This is due to the cyclonic vortex into place in Estonia, which has a relatively large pööriselisus (this is necessary for the emergence of tornadoes), and it also coincides with labile air masses. The biggest threat to the Lake area.
The way the weather. bb guns Clear maintained over the next few days, until the west of Ireland cyclones sphere bb guns of influence. During the week, however, cyclones should fade. This may involve the formation of anti-cyclonic and again arid period. The models are shown beginning of the cold, but in the future, without warming up last year leitsakuni out. Did not see if there really is going one way or not.
Powerful cumulus, which can be a lightning algeks (Tartu). May 9 at night reached the cumulonimbus clouds west of the country, bb guns and moved slowly eastward. Thunder was the morning of the Narva-Jõesuus. Also, the fluctuating weather remains cloudy day and the probability of heavy precipitation is high, especially inland. Despite the tiny possibility of thunderstorms (ESTOFEXi by less than 15%, was sometimes
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