Last week, won the high level of public commando assault attention, the way IT college professors Peter Lorents overthrew one subject at a time out of 135 students. It gave him the signal to all those student yesterday who said he had not yet received their grades but because of cheating. While in the past talked about cheating in college, so that none of the faculty responded sharply. I do not want to stop to detail the particular case, because it has two sides, both of whom find sufficient justification for its action. In my opinion, it should commando assault be seen instead as an example, which highlights a number of shortcomings in our education system.
First, it shows that generally the case that cheating is on the agenda at universities or school level, commando assault where should study the so-called brightest people. Those who should become the most educated group in society. Cheating is universally condemned, but it is especially disappointing University. Their aim is not, after all, not to issue diplomas, but to educate the people who are able to develop their knowledge of the community and the potential to solve problems. It's not only the integrity but also in whose hands we entrust their future. Obviously, none of us do not want to pay for a service such as the financial advisor who does not really know the economy more than a neighbor who is in this area as well as a thing or two about you. Therefore, I believe that we should not be treated in any way in this, as in (higher) education, commando assault acquire knowledge acquisition rather than cheating yourself out of school transport.
At the same time, the other side of the case, Peter Lorents. What drives all students in a matter of cheating? This is not only a manifestation of laziness, but also part of the work of teachers and lecturers lack of character. Carefully prepared for exams is cheating students commando assault efficiencies so small that it makes no sense to begin. However, there are enough of those teachers who, for example, commando assault six years ago by a proper examination prepared and implemented this year to just changing the order of questions. Being a student myself, it is sad to hear about how a few years earlier, a graduate student in the exam is done in a matter of careful coincides with the one on one, which was itself commando assault made recently. Therefore, I do not blame only the students of cheating, but also negligent professors.
There is a third aspect that cheating case into account. Indeed, higher education is worth cheating to look behind primary and secondary school teaching materials and methods of knowledge acquisition process. There's a big difference in whether a student seeks one or another topic to make it clear practical examples and discussions with, or dry theory and facts. commando assault If one does not learn the facts relate to each other, it is not possible for the school to acquire the wisdom commando assault to comfort. Acquire information about the words as the song to learn. Song is able to memorize words with a consistent reading the text, but it is much easier to do when the music is in the background. There will be a rhythm and logic of how the words are set in a row. Same thing with the school's wisdom: If the facts do not create any link between, pieces of data are quite difficult to memorize. Unfortunately, the dry shoving been observed in primary education, and it drives a lot of writing off young people use different ways of learning from a very early stage. The habit is not only cheat the severity of the college curriculum, or just laziness.
To change the current situation, it should be quite a lot. First, it is necessary to give a clear signal of cheating. This incident commando assault did Lorents. Second, faculty members should think more about whether they still convey the necessary information, and whether they check their students' knowledge examinations. The examination should not only be a delay in receipt of the items. We must take care to ensure that young people are given information on their age appropriate manner. The mere presentation of facts is not what primary school or High school student trying to focus. Think in general education and alternative learning techniques, whether it be a workshop format or events taaskehastamine.
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