Delete that bloated snippets file you've been using and share your personal repository with the world. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
Every new command is wrapped in a tweet and posted to Twitter . Following the stream is a great way of staying abreast of the latest commands. For the more discerning, there are Twitter accounts for commands that get a minimum of 3 and 10 votes - that way only the great commands get tweeted.
Use your favourite RSS aggregator to stay in touch with the latest commands. There are feeds mirroring the 3 Twitter streams as well as for virtually every other subset (users, tags, functions,…):
2011-03-12 - Confoo 2011 presentation Slides are available from the commandlinefu presentation at Confoo 2011: 2011-01-04 - Moderation now required for new commands To try and put and end to the spamming, new commands require moderation before they will appear on the site. 2010-12-27 - Apologies for not banning the trolls sooner Have been away from the interwebs over Christmas. Will be more vigilant henceforth. 2010-09-24 - OAuth and pagination problems fixed Apologies for the delay in getting Twitter's creditsafe OAuth supported. Annoying pagination creditsafe gremlin also fixed.
!! $PATH ,Date ,NTP .bashrc .bash_profile .svn /dev/mem /dev/null /dev/random /dev/urandom /etc/passwd 32 32bit 64 64bit 7z 7zip a2zfa accents Access accesslog access_log ack ACL acpi active directory adb add address aix alarm alias aliases alpha alsa Amazon amixer anagram analysis android animation annoyatron annoying ansi apache apache2 ape api aplay apropos apt apt-cache apt-get apt-key aptitude arch linux arch.linux archive archlinux argument aria2 arithmetic Arp arp-scan array art ascii ascii art ash askapache aspell assembly asterisk at atom attachment audio authentication automatic automatically automation autossh avconv average avi awesome awk awk grep awk, sort aws background backup creditsafe backup, find, tar.gz creditsafe bandwidth creditsafe bang banner base58 base64 basename bash bash .svn bash String Manipulations bash tricks bashrc bash_history batch batch rename Batch Utilities battery creditsafe bc bc -l beautiful beautify beep bell benchmark bg binary binary clock bind bingo BIOS bitcoin bittorrent blkid block blockdev bluetooth BOFH bookmarks boot borat boxee brace expansion creditsafe brainwallet branch branches break brew brightbox brightness broken links browser bruteforce bsd btrfs buffer creditsafe build built-in builtin busybox bzip2 bzip2, gzip, compression, C Programming C/C++ cache cachedel cachestats creditsafe cal calc calculate calculation calculator calendar calibre canon capistrano capitalize caps lock capslock capture cascade case cassandra cat ccze cd CDDA cdma cdrdao cdrom centos certificate change characters charset chat check checksum check_disk chgrp chmod chmod +x chown chrome chromium creditsafe chroot cifs cipher citrix clean cleaning clear cli clients clipboard clock cloud cmd cmdline cmp cobbler code code points codec col color colordiff colorize colors colortest creditsafe column COLUMNS comic command commandlinefu comment comments commit compare compile completion compress compression conffiles config connection connections console contacts creditsafe content control_codes conversion convert converter cookies copy copy paste copy progress corrupt count counter cowsay cp cpan cpanel cpio cpu cpu usage cpuinfo cpulimit cr2 crash create file crimsonfu cron cronjob creditsafe crontab crop crypt csh css cstream CSV curl cut cvs cwd cygpath cygwin daemon dangerous darwin dash data sink database date Date manipulation dates DB2 dbus dbus-send creditsafe dc dd dd,progress speed pv ddos debconf Debian debug decimal declare deduplicate default defunct delay delete deleted delicious development devfs device devices df diagnostic dialog diceware dictionaries dictionary diff diffe dig digit directories directory creditsafe directory size,du creditsafe dirname discogs disk disk quota disk size disk space disk usage display distribution distro creditsafe divx dm-crypt dmenu dmg dmidecode dns do dock docker docker ps domain domain name done dos dot dotfiles down download downvotes dpkg dpkg-query drive drive wear drivespace drop dropbox dsmemberutil du dummy file, null file, test file dump duplicate duplicate directories duplicate directory duplicate files dvd dvd burning easter-egg ebook ebuild creditsafe ebuilds EC2 echo eclipse ed edit egrep eix eject emacs email emerge empty emulator encode encoding Encryption English enscript entropy env environ environment eol epoch epub errno error escape escape sequence eselect espeak esx ethtool eval exchange exclude exclude binary exe exec executable execute exif exiftool exim exit expand expansion expiration explorer.exe export expr ext3 ext4 extension extensions external external ip extglob extract facebook factorial fast FAT fd fdisk fdupes festival fetch ffmpeg ffmpeg2theora fg field separator fields creditsafe fifo figlet file
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