Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Russian lawmakers have limited the upper limit of 25 joules. This is a very deprived domestic air f

Types of hunting grouse Woodcock Badger Beaver Boar Bear Quail Grouse Grouse Marmot Duck Hunting Legislation ticket guns america weapons permit Hunting weapons Shotguns Threaded Pneumatic Bows and crossbows Hunting dogs Types of hunting dogs hunting equipment
At the townsfolk the phrase "air gun" makes a mockery of. Allegedly, the men like children, they need toys. Only true lovers knowingly alarming. "Paddle?" - Asked searchingly you. "PiSiPi" - answer you with dignity. Next fastened conversation hardly understandable to others if they are not familiar with the world of serious pneumatics.
Of course, we must pay tribute "vozdushki", because with them it all begins. guns america Now anyone can easily buy vozdushki-perelomku or gas-cylinder pistol. They are perfect for outdoor pursuits or training guns america young son first skills aimed fire, but no more. Specifications of these "devices that have the appearance of weapons" and that limit their scope. We talk about weapons.
For the understanding of what constitutes air rifle suitable for hunting, let us turn to the classification of these weapons under the legislation. Category guns america determines the amount of muzzle energy. Accordingly, there are three types of pneumatics: Entertainment - muzzle energy of not more than 3 J .; Sport - muzzle energy of 3 to 7 J .; Hunting - muzzle energy of 7 to 25 J.
Russian lawmakers have limited the upper limit of 25 joules. This is a very deprived domestic air fans of hunting, because we are not available in a legitimate manner foreign models with more power. Well, we'll just have to accept and be content with what is permitted. In fact, virtually all of the commercially available pneumatic hunting this figure guns america is permitted around the upper plate.
For the purposes of hunting are three varieties: spring-piston - constructively perelomka classic, but with a more powerful spring shutter setting and high pressure compressed air in the cylinder; Pre-seasoned air - pre charged pneumatic, better known by the abbreviation PCP (PiSiPi) rifle with a balloon in advance pumped by a pump, compressor guns america or spets.ballona; Gaslift guns america - rifle "Air guns america Cartridge". Are at the moment the last word in the development of airguns.
Spring-piston pneumatic has a long history of its own. But despite the achievements to PP rifles there are a number of significant claims, significantly limiting guns america their use in hunting. guns america Design features a very PP restrict the potential size and a maximum speed of a bullet, so often they are used by most small game birds like the lake. In addition, the working principle of descent is the cause of the noise effect that occurs when shooting, and it often scares this very small game. However, in the opinion of the adherents of classical PP pneumatics is not affected, so the proposals in this class abound.
PCP-category is often considered a subspecies of compression airguns. This view seems doubtful, since compression correctly allocate a separate category. Compression samples differ in that the supply of compressed air created by a lever-piston pump is conditional integral part of the rifle. The design also provides for filling balloons PCP rifle from an external source, or special pump compressed air cylinder.
Gaslift rifle quite a rarity in those countries where there is no restriction on the muzzle energy. In our country, talking about them while you can carry only theoretically, since Air cartridges are capable of delivering up to 400 joules.
Experts predict that a bright future, the complete disregard of this system, although the theoretical study of the subject rather indicative of future triumphs pnevmopatronnikov. Hunting pneumatics 5.5 mm
We can say that 5.5 mm - this is the first serious hunting caliber for airguns. The fact that preceding the caliber guns america of 4.5 millimeters very negatively assessed by application in practical shooting hunting. Despite the fact that all kinds of tires, designed for this caliber, give sufficient for high-aimed fire power, weight bullets for weapons of this caliber is too small. As a result, the trajectory of the bullets have a significant impact not even the strongest gusts of wind, which reduces the dignity of the weapon to nothing.
That's why most small caliber hunting lately prefer to consider 5.5 mm. This caliber rifles produced by virtually all companies interested in the market airguns, while difficult to say what type of in this case is preferred.
Domestic gunsmiths do not indulge fans of hunting with pneumatics offers a large variety. Xie

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