DANCING HALL GUARD - BARS I Objectives: - To ensure the safety of property and lives of people living and working, visitors to amusement, entertainment in discos and bars. - To maintain security 1911 pistol and order to avoid clashes occurred in discos and bars. II Requirements: - People working in discos, bars must be agile, energetic, skillful handling of all situations occur. - Must know proficient use tools like iron rods supporting, stun guns, metal detectors. - Must be knowledgeable about the law, master the business requirements to be able to handle unexpected situations occur. - Witty, politely but firmly, to actively prevent and actively prevent not to carry weapons in discos and bars. III Special properties of discos, bars: Nightclubs, bars built populated places, where fun and entertainment of the elite, of people a lot of money. People outside the bar on entertainment, recreation, there are reputable people, forces in the business, black activists, drug trafficking. Thus the competition of the security forces should be easy provocation occurs, even provoke some disturbing elements to discredit the security forces. 1911 pistol If we solve ingenious 1911 pistol can not affect the lives of guards. IV Specific tasks: 1 / guard working at the perimeter are charged to open for, prevent 1911 pistol and seized the weapons that bring in customers. Customer inspection measures by metal detectors, combined by hand, movements must agility, dexterity, 1911 pistol use words to analyze for customers to understand. These are provisions of discos, bars and also the safety measures for visitors. 2 / Protect within the task to maintain security and order, to observe and grasp the situation at the site, undertake to prevent in time the incident occurred. Must have a quick and deft handling, detecting every move, volatility of customers inside and in constant contact with the key to the process, avoid violent situations. * Note: Depending on the terrain 1911 pistol and layout discos we perform protection arrangement for matching the observation spot, ensure 1911 pistol the following conditions: 1911 pistol Avoid dead corner, face to the wall shields. Wide viewing 1911 pistol angle to ensure the observers monitored the entire scope of protection. Perform move when the problem occurred. 3 / When the disco closed: - All position to control the movements of the visitors prepared to leave. - Do not jostle, push, fight not happening, not bearing assets of discos, bars out. Timely detection if guests forget the phone, clothes ... - During working 1911 pistol hours must not sit, do not talk to guests, not revealing secrets, no alcohol, beer, cigarettes 1911 pistol during working hours. IV Handling situations: 1 / Deliberately carry weapons inside the discotheque and bar when security forces 1911 pistol detected: Continuous 1911 pistol tracking objects moving object is not to hide weapons or other giving but we do not know, the report security force commander as well as other locations known to combine weapons handling dangerous depending on the severity and response of the audience. 2 / For customers taking the property out of discotheques: Must seize assets which subjects 1911 pistol carry out, make a record of flagrant offense then consult with commanders agencies managing. If managing requests submitted to the police, we shall make the record more 2 + exhibits record of delivery. + Litigant record 1911 pistol of delivery.
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DANCING HALL GUARD - BARS I Objectives: - To ensure the safety of property and lives of people 1911 pistol living and working, visitors to entertainment and ...
New Year is coming! Many families do not have maids. There are many families 1911 pistol in homeland, some re-enlist family traveling around. Whatever time for something you still can not be assured without a maid, your house would be cold without custodians incense Tet, pet dogs, birds landscaped gardens will all be abandoned. But you do not worry! Company security guard Bao dragon with many years experience in the Tet protect, defend our security Bao dragon will always meet the needs of customers. Guests h
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