The nature and objectives: Bank financial center where trade, credit, usually placed at the center of the city, with many towns and passing vehicles. On the other hand, the client component on all layers with different educational levels, so the nature of the target complex, requiring guards here have high professional nikon scopes working style and very polite , flexible, flexible. There are two types of protection: In the banking and money transfer on the road. I BANK 1 / Duties: - Beware of bad guys disguised as customers, guards must be experienced to classify objects and discover suspects before the crime, given the measures appropriate stop immediately. - Beware of bad guys make the sham distract employees do loopholes nikon scopes guard to break into the bank. - Beware of bad guys infiltrated pocket, stealing customers, so guards must protect the long-range plan to discover who or loitering, going back many, eyes and glanced at the customer especially near the trading desk. - Customers who pay large cash withdrawal, security personnel must stay alert to the people around them and to monitor and protect their groundwater, especially when the car. - Remind the customer, follow the general rules of the bank. 2 / Requirements: - Protection must be kept secret, undisclosed secrets nikon scopes of the bank, such as codes, key, alarm system diagram, theft prevention, enter the new amount, provided Work laws of bank employees. - Security guard to be polite to the customers of the bank, but absolutely not too intimate, leading nikon scopes to offensive action. - Security guard at the bank to work with the motto hear without hearing, seeing without looking, that is to focus on the human senses to work, everyone watching, listening must be kept secret, polite. - Security guards have a profound understanding of the corners and the critical areas of the bank. - Security guard must identify the date, peak in the bank. II THE CASH: 1 / Duties: - The nature of money, unloading, must be supervised by a competent person in accordance with the plan, employees must observe protected location nikon scopes to loosen nikon scopes up the money. - When transporting noticed the strange phenomenon (people, vehicles ...) can catch the bad guys to take advantage of the plan of action. - Beware of car damage, if for some reason that car to stop (red lights, damaged cars, traffic congestion ...) protection must be willing to carefully observe and detect suspicious, report to or are responsible for the reason, place the car to stop. - Vehicles must go the same route, regulations, not arbitrarily change. nikon scopes - If the problem occurs on the road, security guards trying to confirm physiognomy, dress, features, user running license plates of the crime, the phone immediately notify the police department and simultaneously launched other treatment methods nikon scopes depending nikon scopes on the actual situation in the field. 2 / Requirements: - Transporting money on the road is an important stage and the most dangerous, especially when forwarding money to employees must: Select the appropriate seat on the bus, to be observed both before and later and the two sides of the vehicle. Select the appropriate seat to all amenities, some rooms are not suitable for the offensive against crime is flexible nikon scopes and convenient. - Special attention is the unusual phenomenon when the vehicle nikon scopes moves as motorbike followed, someone looking at the car, traffic accidents or who interrupted the road ... Especially not leave the car, crime prevention Using design "painted glass" sham distract. - Drivers must comply with the requirements of the security guards, especially when picking up money down, place beans is important, in addition to pay attention to the speed of moving vehicles. - When ebb money, guards must select nikon scopes the appropriate place to stand ready to respond to any event that may occur. - All information about the money transfer nikon scopes vehicle, travel plans, timing, amount ... to be kept secret.
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PROTECTING THE DANCING - RESTAURANT BAR I Objectives: - To ensure the safety of property and lives of people who live and work, visitors to entertainment and ...
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