Saturday, February 1, 2014

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From the minimum one can keep what you want: But the story of the massive job losses through the introduction is simply bad propaganda. Even the OECD urged the necessity of introducing a minimum wage to compensate tuportal for export surpluses in Germany:
From 2015 to proceed upwards with an increase of two percent in Germany. The organization emphasizes that real wage growth and low unemployment are likely to increase consumption in Germany, whilst increasing confidence in the euro zone again and low interest rates support the investment. The unemployment would appear to be 5.2 percent in late 2015 decline (New Germany, 20.1.2013).
Thorsten Schulten (secretary for labor and wage policy in Europe with the Economic and Social Research Institute of the Hans Boeckler Foundation) points out in an interview in the New Germany on several studies by the Federal Ministry of Labour, demonstrating that the statutory and enforced minimum wage in each industry has not led to job loss:
There is even the opportunity to raise prices. This is also an effect that takes place in some areas, which is likely tuportal to take place in Germany, for example at the hairdressers. This is always such a classic example. Since you have now agreed in collective agreements to a minimum wage, when, until it arrives in a longer perspective tuportal at 8.50 euros. Because the haircut is a maybe, cost two euros more. But it is also reasonable so if you look at is how wrecked each other in this industry with an undercutting.
Second reaction ability are productivity gains. This can be always really hard to describe in concrete terms, but in general, the better the employees are paid, the more motivated are the ones to do their job, the better the work they do, the more productive they are. The third point was, for example in the UK a very important where the minimum wage was introduced in 2000: It goes to the profits - the company actually make less profit. The interesting thing here is the reasoning: The opponents of the minimum wage talk of "fair market wages." If the artificially high, which leads to more unemployment. But if you take the same neoclassical labor market theory and says, then there is also such a thing as "market-driven tuportal profits." And in fact, at that time, economists have in fact argued in the UK, due to the strong position of the company and the weak position of workers - weak unions, often no collective bargaining coverage - the company has been able to not enforce fair market gains. tuportal Means that you have made extra profits in that they have not given to the employee what he actually deserves. Precisely because they have exploited their position of power. But this in turn leads to the fact that even now, if wages are increased by a minimum wage, still make the company tuportal profits - but not the extra profits that they have won simply because of their position of power in the labor market (New Germany, 18.10.2013) .
It should be noted that the minimum wage weggerechnete in the official statistics by, remain real but very well-existent inflation particularly affected and represent tuportal that 8.50 euros an hour ultimately a pittance with which the Federal Republic of Germany behind the still lags, which in other European countries is already standard.
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