Wednesday, October 8, 2014

A group of armed police to fire on Thursday night raided the home to the National Chairman of the P

A group of armed police to fire on Thursday night raided the home to the National Chairman of the Party for Democracy ct shooting and Development (Chadema), ct shooting Freeman Mbowe, ct shooting in order to arrest him. These soldiers estimated to be seven, with heavy weapons in an open car with Mbowe arrived home at around seven and a half day and ordered the soldiers who guarded his house to surrender Mbowe out to meet him. Mbowe Guard questioned the legality of the arrest and urged the police to arrest wawaoneshe document, but they can display in, state iliyozusha concern for the protection of the leader. However, the guards told police they were Mbowe who is also the chief leader of the opposition in parliament was on a journey, which lilipokewa answered reluctantly ct shooting and soldiers. After seeing the police failed to complete the work, they leave the guard's phone number 0754-085600 General Investigation Kinondoni Regional Police, Ernest Kimola, they charged him Mbowe ensure contact with the commander. RCO amsukumia RPC, DENIES However, ct shooting when interviewed by Tanzania Daima Sunday in a telephone interview, Chief of Intelligence Kimola the strike talking about the issue and asked the author to communicate with its chief of operations, who is commander ct shooting of Police Region Kinondoni, Kamilius Wambura, claiming he has the right to give a definition of it. "You know I'm not a spokesman for the police, contact the commander of the region, meaning he is able to give an explanation," said Kimola and cut the phone. But he popigiwa call Commander Wambura jumped Arabia, by surprise, claiming ignorance of anything related to the police raided the home of Mbowe. "Of course I am getting this information from you, as a leader he was approached by the police, ct shooting I did not know it at all," said Wambura, and as he did Kimola yielded phone. Statement Kimola ct shooting Chadema But when he refused to say anything, Chadema Secretary General, Dr. Willibrod Slaa, said he spoke by phone with Kimola related ct shooting to the practice of police raided the home of the leader of the political top, and claim a surprising response. Speaking yesterday at a rally held Manzese, Kinondoni, dr. Slaa said Kimola defended claiming first deny arriving home to Mbowe midnight. Secondly, he said that they went to arrest Mbowe, except make him a conversation and then they leave. Slaa said the practice is barbaric kimewashitua and the kilichokiuka laws and rights. He added that, always been to criticize the police ct shooting force used to suppress opponents ct shooting wrong, but always Chadema has been neglected by the military now decided to invade the homes of political leaders for undefined purposes. He is unknown what would happen if Mbowe would be in, if they decide to strike guards freeing their leader. "We are very worried and our security, and where they could do anything, even kill him and then make statements that they had been arguing for a shot, as it has traditionally police providing false information and fabrication are poua people," said Slaa. He said if police had real trouble, they called him to the right path and not attack and leads his freedom and his family as they catch a terrorist or rogue risks. Dr. Mbowe Slaa said the office has known, and if you really did not have a bad thing planned and the police could not do hooliganism ct shooting as they did. "If they can invade the home of a great leader as Mbowe with heavy weapons, what will happen to the leaders and the ordinary citizen?" Questioned Slaa. Due to this terrible ct shooting event, ct shooting Chadema imemtaka Tanzanian President ct shooting Jakaya Kikwete trace the meaning of these events which aims to bring the violence in the country. Likewise, they have asked the Chief of Police in the country, Said The Good, the public to explain what was intended by its troops raided the home to Mbowe shaped tramp. It will be recalled also that the recent troop Arusha Regional Police raided the house in Arusha Urban MP Godbless Lema, while heavy armor and dog, and take him, then threw him in custody for the whole day.
WKT BAWACHA Halima JAMES VICE CHAIRMAN ct shooting Dee (Mainland) VICE CHAIRMAN MWAIFUNGA EVE (Zanzibar) Hamida Abdala ...

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