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The Control Arms coalition for more than a decade campaigning for approval a strong ATT. The vote i

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Press release of April 2 FundiPau The text has been approved by an overwhelming majority in the UN General Assembly On a historic day, 154 countries voted in favor of the international community has a regulation for trade in conventional arms. After 10 years of the campaign, which has been active FundiPau, ATT finally become a reality.
"Today's vote, which has allowed arma 3 the adoption of the first global treaty to regulate the international arms trade, is a milestone that marks the beginning of a new era. From now ended impunity for arms dealers and human rights abusers, "said George Armadans, director of FundiPau.
After six years of negotiations and diplomatic campaign over ten years, member states of the United Nations voted in favor of the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) by an overwhelming majority (154 votes in favor - 3 votes against and 23 abstentions). The Treaty incorporates the new international law a set of clear rules for all global transfers of arms and ammunition.
The vote in the General Assembly of the United Nations arma 3 has taken place only five days after Iran, North Korea and Syria blocked the adoption of the treaty by consensus at a tense meeting on the last day of the conference final ATT. After this lock a group of countries led by Kenya, presented a proposal arma 3 to the text voted today to the General Assembly.
"For FundiPau, who actively participated in the campaign and throughout the diplomatic process that occurs approving the same month and year we celebrate our 30th anniversary arma 3 celebration ago to live with much more intensity and hope. The work and perseverance of the civil society, pays off, "says arma 3 Xavier Masllorens president FundiPau.
The Treaty establishes binding obligations on governments to assess all arms transfers and to guarantee that it will be used to commit human rights abuses, acts of terrorism, international arma 3 organized arma 3 crime or for violations of international humanitarian law. It requires governments to reject any transfer of arms if there is a risk that countries use them to violate human rights or commit war crimes.
Control Arms Coalition, arma 3 which represents more than 100 civil society organizations working in 120 countries, calls upon all States arma 3 to prioritize the signing and ratification of the Treaty. The coalition calls on all governments to commit themselves to adopt national legislation necessary arma 3 for the Treaty to enter into force as soon as possible.
The Control Arms coalition says it is imperative that all governments voted to demonstrate its commitment to the Treaty establishing the highest possible international standards arma 3 in its application. For example, you can start including all conventional weapons in their national control lists and making explicit that you reject arms transfers where there is a substantial risk of human rights abuses and humanitarian law.
Alex Galvez, a survivor of gun violence and Executive Director of the Foundation transitions Guatemala: "This is a good day for the survivors of armed violence around the world, and a proud day for the Control Arms Campaign; but the work does not end here. We must ensure that this treaty actually produces positive changes on the ground. States should ratify the ED now, and make the immediate implementation is a priority. " arma 3
The Control Arms coalition for more than a decade campaigning for approval a strong ATT. The vote in the UN General Assembly culminates years of hard work by civil society, which has made a central role in the initiation of the process towards a diplomatic conference to regulate conventional arms sales.
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