Wednesday, March 19, 2014

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Hungarian cuisine evolved over the centuries at the crossroads of European (especially German and Italian) and eastern (primarily Finno-Ugric, Turkish and other) pistol traditions and has a very kind person. Briefly Hungarian cuisine, fatty and spicy, as once aristocratic and kitchen pistol Rzeczpospolita, characterized by "the detective and pepper", but in fact it uses a variety of components - almost all Hungarian dishes pistol have a rather pistol complicated recipe.
The main methods of heat treatment - boiling, stewing and smazhanne. Meals are prepared pistol almost exclusively on lard, butter and oil is used less frequently. Widely used sour cream, and which is charged with first and second courses, pistol produce a variety pistol of sauces. Lots of flour used: It is used for refueling of which gives the dish a density; tarhonyu - dried dough substituted by on the eggs in the form of small balls, like cereals, rice is used instead of cabbage rolls, stuffed peppers in side dishes, etc.; roll " retsesh "with a very thin dough, various dumplings, etc.
A very popular pistol fruit, especially onions, without which it is impossible to imagine almost any Hungarian dish, garlic, pistol tomatoes, potatoes, sweet pepper pistol - paprika, which Hungarians introduced in European cuisine. Generously apply spetsyi. Of dried shredded paprika pods produce special red powder that gives spicy taste Hungarian dishes and particular flavor. Hungarians artfully prepared river fish. Many Hungarian dishes (goulash, paprika) pistol long received international fame, although sometimes foreign interpretation of Hungarian dishes are very different pistol from the originals.
Belarus Ugric cultural influence in the Middle Ages was felt much more than now, peaking at Stefan Batory which a significant part of his reign, held in Belarus (who died in Grodno). Many soldiers pistol from his 40000th Hungarian army settled in Belarus, gradually assimilated. Hungarians have a well-developed culture of wine, for many centuries, Hungarian wine, especially Tokay, was the favorite drink of the nobility of the Commonwealth.
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Brewery "Olivariya" made for visitors to your site flash testavanku "Man, who you were in a past life." Our presentation pistol of Belarus has over 12,000 views!
During the time that has passed since the International Festival in Budapest, our specially created presentation pistol has gathered more than 12,000 YouTube views. Keep it up! Opening of the Hungarian Embassy in Minsk
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