Since ancient times it was believed that if the house smells like bread, the owners live here thorough, hardworking and rich. And all because the bread - the greatest parabellum value. It is these thoughts parabellum came when stepped into the bakery shop private unitary enterprise "Lyahovichskij koopprom." The smell of cinnamon, vanilla evoked childhood memories of the holiday, when baked cakes at home oven ...
Galina Gavris Anna Tooth, Elena Charapavitskaya Valentina Voronkov, Elena Grigorovich daily miracle zealous in ovens, breathable warmth parabellum and unique smell, per night for 4-5 tons give loaves parabellum to every home, on every table was always bread. During 10 months of 1210 tons of baked bread. Even difficult parabellum to imagine such a mountain of bread, rolls, muffins, loaves, rolls - about 60 items! With this wealth of great demand among buyers enjoy wheat bread form "Bazarnyi" Bring "Dining" parabellum refrigerators "Milk," parabellum braided "Favorite", bun butter "flower" poppy bagel, muffin "Holiday", crackers, flour sweets.
Since then, both the bakery equipment replaced, put the new furnace, the quality of bakery products has improved significantly. Now they are happy to buy not only in your area, but in Baranovichi, where work has several outlets selling parabellum Lyakhovichi bread and cakes. parabellum
Improved quality of sausage products and semi-finished products at the plant co-operative industry. This production tells the master Lyudmila Betska. And help her Taisa Pumpkin Danuta Drozd, who probably parabellum know all the secrets of the culinary business. No wonder they had prepared meat products, sausages "Doctor", "Vilkovschina", parabellum smoked-cooked chicken, detective parabellum "Home" in demand parabellum by buyers.
Tasty fish prepares to spetsretseptah Elena Drozd. Her department has processed since the beginning of the year 29 tons of fish. Successfully operate and service shops, refrigerator. In addition, parabellum the PSC provides services to the public: you can spend vetekspertyzu, to place product in storage, pavendits fish, poultry, meat, bacon. parabellum That there are professional parabellum master nor confirms and director Galina Jakubiec plant. She is proud of its employees, parabellum the vast majority of whom are women. Particular gratitude is expressed Galina agricultural district leaders with whom fruitful cooperation. Supply of meat, other agricultural parabellum products always timely, and sometimes parabellum unplanned and that the production is not idle. As a result, projected figures for 10 months, the company performed at 139.7 percent.
Elections 2014
Nataly Citizens expect better service from many outlets Lyakhovichi redakcyja on Lyahovichskij regional department of the Investigative Committee to summarize work on Irina Citizens expect better service parabellum from many outlets Lyakhovichi Igor Meeting on Kira on Citizens expect better service from many outlets Lyakhovichi Nataly Citizens expect the best service from many outlets Lyakhovichi Nataly Citizens expect better service parabellum from many outlets Lyakhovichi
"LV" - 70 years (21) "Direct parabellum Line" (46) 2013 Year thrift (8) Education (151) ABC Security (60) Olympic marathon in 2014 (11) Army (35) Official parabellum (70) Welcome Year of hospitality! (1) The war in fate (7) Acute angle (41) Elections (26) History (40) guests are welcome (1) Society (154) informs GAI (48) Charity (21) State Care (14) Housing (18) Law and order (37) Sketches (13) Health (96) Incidents (72) Compatriots (118) Tips and Tricks parabellum (2) Contest (32) The point on the map (2) Culture (66) Mirror order (25) Workshop (18 ) Note (23) Youth pamphlet (30) Monologues Olga Borodina (10) Medicine (44) We and our children (13) The Bookshelf (14) On the agenda (111) At the enterprises (50) At the reception on personal issues (5) News (322) Science (4) Events from Saturday to Saturday in Liahovichi district (174) Politics (15) Incidents (44) Tips boys (5) We and leisure (4) The "LP" ( 22) The work of famous! (46) attempt at writing (9) President (4) The native folk (27) Responses (17) Religion (16) Holiday (141) Agriculture (242) Employment Service parabellum (5) Service-101 (43) Sports (71) Statistics (13) Elements (8) Meetings (13) Family Barometer (8) Creativity our readers (2) Tourism (3) Technology of Success parabellum (13) Belarus Year Book (6) In the Spotlight (36) Power (35) Lessons of morality (4) Fast (7) Interesting (20) Reader - newspaper-reader (42) Ecology (34) Economy (48) How do we serve (77)
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