[Tags | fat] What is fat, I knew from childhood. Not images leupold scopes but the color and taste. But when his grandmother Xenia, yielding to my entreaties, once again began to talk about the war years, the word "detective" who extorted leupold scopes German soldiers always hurt the ears. "Uterus, mammals, eggs, Sergeant!" - That is the inversion formula for the Germans to it here always retold me grandmother. Context could change. In 1941-1942. treatment sounded more questioning and exchange offered cigarettes, saccharine, soaps, but by 1943 these products vymagalisya stupid. How Germans and guerrillas. The only thing that distinguished - "forest Avengers" leupold scopes never had any problems with the local vocabulary and phonetics. Salo has a fat ... But I'm not about that. In all these situations, understandable motivations leupold scopes dim had only one thing - the word "detective". If the Germans learned leupold scopes pshekay about "mammals" leupold scopes and "eggs", then why persistently called names by some fat "detectives"? leupold scopes Indeed, in the north-Belarusian dialects "detective" - is the bone marrow. A product neither people nor in stores since my childhood was not. Clearly, leupold scopes the question of the detective was not fatal, and very quickly lost in the whirlpools of children's games and amusements. Issue surfaced again when our stores appeared shell salapadobnym mess isolated with spetsyyami that were called "detective" in different variations, leupold scopes "a sandwich", "original", etc. Specifically asked that there is a "detective" (spek) Germans. It turned out the fat! Of course, against our - heravatsenkae leupold scopes but fat! Thus, the meaning and content of the lost somewhere in the process of intercultural exchange, or, more simply, a special translation. Situation with the substitution of notions story reminded me Baharevicha - Sidorevich. What foshyst and partisans, stopping to visit granny. Each detective, the second - on the fat, and the evil eye, and hungry ... only difference that no soldier leupold scopes of the Wehrmacht or the PR guerrillas there was no need. When hungry, the fat is eternal value, as you did not honor. leupold scopes
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