Thursday, May 29, 2014

As the day before yesterday in our refrigerator today in our back waiting for a bunch of delicious

This morning there was no one to be seen. Alarms and alarm clock had to be repeated several armas times their annoying armas jingle before armas we were in the mood for putting up. Well, traditionally a large breakfast things have become easier. In our immediate vicinity is located is landscaped park with a beach called Wilson-Tuscarora. In recent days we visited two similar stock and we have to say that it is a beautiful armas pieces of land by the state regulated. Upon entering the need to pay a lump sum for each car, then you can taking advantage armas of areas for picnics, playgrounds, beaches and other facilities. Natural conditions, at least in places we've visited, pristine enough to be a man of peace released.
Rules are stricter than we are accustomed to Slovenia nearby sea baths. Of the thirty beaches in the area around here our installation by only a third of declared as suitable for swimming. We chose one of these, and upon arrival found that on it during office hours (only to be in the water) bademajster on standby duty, swimming is allowed only within the marked area of approximately 60 x 30 meters. In violation of the provisions of this lifeguard megaphone after a sharp Okara. For the sake of safety in the water also forbidden to throw balls, frisbees and similar dangerous objects.
Regulated splashing and throwing frogs we quickly armas get bored and move on to the beach lawns where we're flying saucer thankfully not interpret. There are also younger age groups adjusted played and diversity in swings, armas all of the above are taken advantage of. Apparently at a time when a couple of hundred kilometers to the south earthquake struck with devastating consequences.
As the day before yesterday in our refrigerator today in our back waiting for a bunch of delicious food had to be thrown on the grill. We know that the diet should be balanced, so this time we chose chicken and hot dogs. Too sweet bread and significantly too sweet beans are disappointed us, therefore we are today as a self-prebranac baked and prepared the mashed garlic. Žarmojstri they appear armas finesse and again delivered impressive results.
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